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We are not in Mecca

Kategori: ban | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet lørdag 27. juni , 2015 kl. 10:30

Starting with prayer on Fridays,

Just like church bells.


From today 26.06.2015 starts Mosque in Sandnessjøen with prayer over loudspeakers outside.

It is met with very mixed reactions among the citizens.

The municipality has given permission, but that this will become a weekly fixture in the center, has created reactions among people in the municipality.

Of course, that people react, just as she writes in her article; We are not in Mecca.

What the world are thinking in Sandnessjoen, they should have a serious talk with Moss municipality, where they know how to do it in this country.


Source Sandnessjøen:

Source Moss;


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