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Threat to Russia

Kategori: Threats | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet lørdag 27. juni , 2015 kl. 09:04

Islamic State threat to Russia is real

The threat from ISIS is real because quite a lot of citizens from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) are taking part in its activities,” deputy director of Russia’s Federal Security Service told reporters Friday after a session of the SCO’s regional anti-terror body.

A senior security official has said that the threat coming from the so called Islamic State [also known as ISIS, or ISIL] was absolutely real for Russia and its neighbors.

Patrushev told reporters that he and other Russian officials preferred to use the term “Islamic State” in quotation marks to avoid insults to true Muslims who, in his view, had no relation to terrorists and extremists. For the same reason he called on people to refer to it by its original name – the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.







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