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Fear of war

Kategori: Threats | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet lørdag 27. juni , 2015 kl. 08:48

Fear of war is increasing among Norwegians


The proportion who are not worried about war or attack on Norwegian territory has dropped by 20 percent in one year. Meanwhile weaken confidence that the defense capabilities to ensure peace in Norway.

A more tense relations with Russia, the use of military force in Ukraine and an increased threat from terrorist organizations that IS makes people become more aware of a possible threat, says defense chief Haakon Bruun-Hanssen. Friday afternoon he presented figures from this year’s resident survey conducted by Ipsos MMI.

The proportion who are not worried about war or attack on Norwegian territory has dropped sharply from 53 percent in 2014 to 37 percent in 2015. There are women, young people and residents of Finnmark and Østfold who worry most, it emerges in the survey. Fully 30 percent of 18-24 year-olds are very or fairly concerned about the war in Norway.

Weakened confidence in the Norwegian Armed Forces

The new survey clearly shows that people’s confidence in the the Norwegian Armed Forces is weakened. One out of four Norwegians think the Norwegian Armed Forces is somewhat or very poorly suited to safeguard Norwegian sovereignty. Only 36 percent of respondents have a good or very good impression of the Armed Forces’ ability to meet the threat of war or attacks on Norwegian soil. In 2014 there were 42 percent who said the same.

Especially in Finnmark come this clear. At the same percentage plummeted from 44 to 24 percent.

Last year it was 60 percent of respondents who believed that the military was in pretty good condition to help defend Norway and allied countries. This year, the proportion who thinks the same dropped to 50 percent.




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